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Insurance Inspections

Our Four Point & Wind Mitigation Inspections may help lower the cost of your home owners insurance!

We work with many local & national insurance agencies...ask us for a referral!

Four-Point Inspections

Verify Insurability and potential discounts for Your Home.

A four-point inspection may be an important part of purchasing a new homeowner’s insurance policy or renewing an existing policy. In addition to offering premium discounts, it helps the insurance company determine whether to insure the home in its current state or what improvements would be needed to obtain insurance. The focus of a four point inspection is to determine the approximate age and general condition of major system components.

An insurance inspection should not be confused with a “standard home inspection,” which is more comprehensive in regards to both detail and scope. A four-point inspection consists of a visual survey of the following four systems:

Roof – Assessing the general condition of the roof, attic (visible signs of leaks?), roof covering (approximate year installed?), insulation, skylights, and ridge vents

Plumbing – Evaluating plumbing supply lines and types and checking for any visible leaks under sinks or around drains

HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) – Verifying interior and exterior air conditioning units’ year, make, model, and condition (visible corrosion, leaks, or drain pan issues?)

Electrical – Checking electrical panel, grounds, breakers, type of wiring, and condition of mast; if overhead electric panel is present – identifying year installed and verifying condition and presence of GFCI’s.

Depending on state requirements, insurance companies will usually require that the inspection be performed by a licensed inspector. Consult your insurance provider concerning any specific requirements.

What is Wind Mitigation?

Wind mitigation is the process of adding features to your home that help withstand or increase resistance to high winds caused by a major storm or hurricane.

Homeowners can receive substantial credits for outfitting their homes with windstorm mitigation features that withstand or are more resistant to high winds.

Wind Mitigation Techniques

Water Barriers

Seal your roof deck, or the layer in between the primary structure and the insulating layer of your roof, to prevent water intrusion that may otherwise occur if roof shingles blow away in extreme wind or from flying debris. This also provides an extra layer of insulation, making your home more energy efficient. 

Roof to Foundation Anchoring

Reinforce your home’s walls to the roof and foundation to establish a continuous load path. This enables the outer structure of your home to resist strong winds.

Window and Door Coverings

There are several options available to help protect windows and other openings from the impact of strong wind and flying debris. Popular options include shatterproof windows and storm shutters. Hurricane-rated doors are recommended, especially for garage doors with large openings. Additional bracing can also be installed on existing garage doors.

Conducting Wind Mitigation Inspections

Generally, a wind mitigation inspection is needed to determine which credits apply to a home. During a wind mitigation inspection, a certified inspector looks for key features and add-ons that reduce the amount of damage your home may suffer in the event of a hurricane or strong windstorm